Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 58 - I have finally finished my studies

I really did it. I have finally got my DIPLOMA. Here it is.
Please forget that my real name is on this diploma.
I graduated with Distinction. My overall average was 88%
And here is my graduation photo!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 58 - The Diploma

My Diploma and Transcripts have been issued already. I was told they may take up to 4 weeks. Today is just 10 days after my last class!!!!

I plan to pick them up tomorrow. When I do get my diploma, I will scan and post it plus my graduation photo on this blog.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Week 57 - Final grade posted

My ACCESS grade has finally been posted. I got 87% which is good.
I have one score in the 60s, 3 scores in the 70s and 17 scores in the 80s and 90s.

Which means I should graduate with DISTINCTION. I am very pleased with this.For the first time I have finished something I started. Now if I can just get a job in the middle of this recession.

Goodbye and thanks for following me during my one year back in school. This year has just gone by so fast.

I will stop posting on this blog now, except for photos which I promised I would upload and one last post when I do get my first job.

About that interview I mentioned last week. Well I went to that yesterday and it did not go as well as I had hoped. I am not too worried. It was my first interview in over 12 month. I am definitely out of practise.

Ciao for now everyone.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Week 56 - Day 5

Well that's it. I'm done.

I sat the ACCESS final exam today. I got 70 out of 90 marks. The instructor said I did good on the class project. So hopefully I will get a good final grade.

I rushed around after class taking photos of students and staff. I will put them up next week.

Remember when I said that the first class I took last year turned out to be not part of my official curriculum? Well the school director told me today that my marks for that class will NOT be part of my official transcript. Which is a pity because one of those marks was a perfect score (100%).

Oh well. That makes my average currently 86%. My ACCESS Grade is still to be added in. I expect to Graduate with Distinction. I am actually very proud of this grade.

Thinking back (a long way back) to my one and only year at university straight out of High school. I seem to remember getting all D's in 5 exams and a suspension for one year. I never went back. I wish I had. I do regret not going back.

This diploma more than makes up for the last 25+ years of not knowing what I wanted to do or be.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Week 56 - Day 4

Well, tomorrow is the last day of my Diploma Course. This is also the third and final week of ACCESS. Today we completed the class ACCESS projects and had them marked. Tomorrow is the ACCESS final exam.

These last 12 months have been so much fun. I have really enjoyed myself, a lot more than I thought I would actually. I have really enjoyed learning new skills. I also enjoyed learning how to use new software packages. I love learning new software.

Every other course I have ever started in my life (up until now) for some reason I could never finish. This course I finished. This is a big accomplishment for me.

I have one interview set for next week. Despite sending out my resume to numerous companies over the last 6 weeks, I have not had any responses. I think the recession is biting hard.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 55 - Day 6

I promised you a photo of me with S, my favourite Instructor. Well here she is. I am on the left, and S is on the right. The little white blobs on her head are light relections from the bottom edge of her sunglasses. She always wore her sunglasses on her head.

S is not longer at the Toronto Campus of Trios. As I said in an earlier post, S is now teaching at a new campus that opened up last month, and which is a lot closer to her home. Good luck and godspeed S.